Maritime Lawyers


Maritime Lawyers Spain. Presentation

GMM Law Firm | Maritime Class Network, collaborate with featured Maritime Lawyers and Law Firms of Spain – Professor Doctors advocates in practice and Maritime Consultant – that are in the most important cities and ports of our country.

In particular, in Spain we have offices in:

  • Huelva
  • Sevilla
  • Córdoba
  • Madrid
  • Las Palma de Gran Canaria y
  • Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

Our new Maritime Class Network aims to provide legal assistance in any country/port of the world. Thanks to the software platform we are already developing, clients are going to be able to search and hire maritime lawyers in advance to Arrest or Release Ships in problems.

This will permit an accurate collaboration: ‘tight, staunch, strong and in every way fitted for the (legal) service‘.

In fact, in this moment we are ready to advise you and defend your interests in any type of matter.

Kind regards,


Dr. M. Navas, Cptn.


Maritime Dept.